PhD Courses
Cours 1 : The Gamma Ray Sky
Teachers: Peter VonBallmos & Luigi Tibaldo
Location: Toulouse- IRAP, 23-24 January 2018
Detailed program:
1) Scientific objectives for hard X-ray and nuclear gamma-ray astronomy
2) Coded aperture instruments and Compton telescopes for MeV astronomy
3) Focusing pn instruments for hard X-ray astronomy
4) Scientific objectives for gamma-ray astronomy above 100 MeV
5) Pair tracking gamma-ray telescopes
6) Ground based atmospheric shower detectors
Cours 2 : Flavour physics: first signs of life beyond the Standard Model at the LHC
Teachers: Aoife Bharucha, Julien Cogan, Justine Serrano
Location: Marseille- CPT/CPPM, 29-30 May 2018
Detailed program:
1) Flavour in the Standard Model and the CKM matrix
2) Introduction to effective field theory for B physics
3) Applications to (semi-) leptonic B decays
4) Status of heavy flavour experiments
5) Review of measurements exhibiting anomalies
6) Interpretation of the measured anomalies
Cours 3 : Renormalisation
Teachers: Gilbert Moultaka
Location: Montpellier- L2C, 10-11 May 2018
Detailed program:
1) Prelude:Quantum Field Theory in the Path Integral Formalism
2) Handling the ultra-violet divergences in the simplest case :
-interacting scalar field (λ φ⁴ theory)
-regularisations, renormalisation schemes & renormalisability
-the role of symmetries and generalisation to gauge theories*
3) The Renormalisation Group à la Stueckelberg-Petermann/Gell-Mann-Low:
-the renormalisation group equations
-meaning of the 'running' quantities and renormalisation scheme dependence
-the resummation theorem -multi-scale difficulties
-the case of the effective potential*
4) Coda: The Wilsonian approach
Cours 1 : Phenomenology of dark matter particles. Propagation, acceleration and sources of cosmic rays in our Galaxy, 10h
Teachers: Julien Lavalle, Alexandre Marcowith, Yves Gallant
Location: LUPM, Montpellier, 8-9 june 2017
Detailed program:
1) Dark matter: production and decoupling in the primordial universe
2) Dark matter: Direct and indirect searches
3) Phenomenology and distribution of cosmic rays
4) Acceleration and propagation of cosmic rays
5) Galactic sources of cosmic rays of cosmic rays
6) Pulsar nebulae and acceleration with relativistic collisions
Cours 2 : The inhomogeneous universe, 10h
Teachers : Christian Marinoni, Julien Bel
Location: CPT, Marseille, 15-16 may 2017
Detailed program:
inflation and the origin of the cosmological perturbations
density fluctuations : power spectrum and evolution
Large scale structure of the universe
Cours 3 : Formation and evolution of galaxies inside large structures, 10 h
Teachers : Sylvain de la Torre, Matthieu Béthermin
Location : LAM, Marseille, 1-2 june 2017
Detailed program:
the process of galaxy formation
Galaxy evolution as seen in large surveys
Galaxies and large structures : model
Evolution and galaxy properties in relation with large scale structures
Galaxies as cosmological probes
This lecture given by A. Cattaneo intends to make an overview of theories of galaxy formation. The first part will address the process of galaxy formation 'without stars' with the growth of primordial density fluctuations and a description of the different numerical simulations. The second part of the lecture will describe the process of star formation inside galaxies, including stellar evolution, feedbacks, the origin of the Hubble sequence and the evolution of galaxies.