Laboratory of Excellence

The ‘Laboratoire d’Excellence’ program – or Labex, laboratory of excellence – is one of the tools created within the Investments in the Future initiative. Initiated in 2010 by the French government, the investments in the future program consists in a €35bn funding over ten years, aiming at supporting innovation in general, academic training and research in particular.

Among the calls for proposals launched within the investments for the future program, the Labex, manadged by the Research national agency (ANR), aims to develop significant resources research units with international visibility, to enable them to compete with their foreign counterparts to attract researchers and teacher-researchers internationally renowned and build an integrated high level policy of research, training and development. The objectives of these Labex are :

- to improve the international visibility of French research by improving their scientific quality and originality, knowledge transfer ;

- to guaranty the excellence of their academic training by a strong implication in postgraduate programmes (master’s degree and doctorates) ;

- to integrate and reinforce the local and international strategies of their host institutions.


Two calls of proposals have been successively launched resulting in the selection of 170 projects identified as Labex.
OCEVU is one of the 71 projects selected in the second call for proposals.

→ More information on the Labex and the Investments in the future