The OCEVU Labex is coordinated by Eric Kajfasz (Centre de physique des particules de Marseille). The governance of OCEVU is constituted of three committees, and depends on six thematic working groups.
The executive committee is the main decision-making organ of the project: it defines the scientific and financial strategies of OCEVU (counselled by the steering committee), selects the proposals submitted at the annual call for projects initiated by the OCEVU Labex (based on the recommendations provided by the scientific committee) and it is in charge of the manadgement and the follow-up of the project. It comprises the directors (or their representatives) of the six laboratories, the six working groups (WG) coordinators and the coordination of the labex (main coordinator and administrative coordinator). It meets approximately once a month.
The members of the executive committee are :
Eric Kajfasz, coordinator (director of the CPPM)
Marie-Thérèse Donel, administrative coordinator (CPPM)
Didier Barret (IRAP, GAHEC team leader)
Jean-Gabriel Cuby (director of LAM)
Fabrice Feinstein (director of LUPM)
Thierry Martin (director of CPT)
Gilbert Moultaka (L2C)
6 WG coordinators (see below)
The steering committee evaluates the scientific strategy engaged by OCEVU by questioning the operational implementation and the funding of the current projects. It meets once a year under the chair of the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics Saul Perlmutter and it comprises the representatives of the institutional OCEVU partners, as well as external academic members (national or European science agencies) and industrials (competitivity clusters), each closely associated to the projects engaged by the OCEVU Labex.
The steering committee members are :
Saul Perlmutter, chair (LBL, 2011 Nobel Prize in physics)
Stéphane Basa, secretary (LAM)
Jacques Derrien / Pierre Chiappetta (director of A*Midex)
Flore Oberhauser (deputy director of A*Midex)
Ivan Dekeyser (representative for the Investissements d’Avenir, AMU)
Bernard Godelle (vice-president for research, UM2)
Alexis Valentin (vice-president for research, UPS)
Gabriel Chardin (deputy director, CNRS/IN2P3)
Denis Mourard (deputy director, CNRS/INSU)
Niels Keller (representative for the Investissements d’Avenir, CNRS/INP)
Stavros Katsanevas (president of ApPEC)
Philippe Bloch (head of the physics department, CERN)
Fabienne Casoli (Head of Sciences of the Universe, Microgravity and Exploration programs, CNES)
Philippe Lattes (Deputy Director Space sector, Research & European projects, Aerospace Valley)
Katia Mirochnitchenko (director of OPTITEC)
Patrick Baraona (director of Pôle Mer PACA)
Amélie Vergne (ANR)
Eric Kajfasz, OCEVU coordinator
OCEVU executive committee (see above)
The scientific committee elaborates scientific recommandations to the executive committee. It is consulted on the follow-up and the coordination of research projects led within OCEVU. In particular, it is in charge of the evaluation of the proposals submitted to the annual OCEVU call for projects. It proposes a classification based on criteria of scientific quality, collaborative aspect and conformity with the OCEVU scientific priorities. It comprises 9 elected internal members and 6 external members, distributed according to three major scientific themes of OCEVU (astroparticle and particle physics, cosmology). The scientific committee is chaired by an external member.
Internal elected members
Astroparticle : Stéphane Basa (LAM), Jürgen Knödlseder (IRAP), Julien Lavalle (LUPM, secretary)
Cosmology : Christian Marinoni (CPT), Roser Pello (IRAP), Denis Puy (LUPM)
Particle physics : Jérôme Charles (CPT), Cyril Hugonie (LUPM), Steve Muanza (CPPM)
External members
Astroparticle : Frédéric Daigne (IAP/Paris 6), Mathieu De Naurois (LLR/X, chairman)
Cosmology : Ruth Durrer (University of Geneva, Suisse), Joe Silk (University of Oxford, RU)
Particle physics : Luigi del Debbio (University of Edinburgh, RU), Aurelio Juste (IFAE Barcelone, Espagne)
The staffs involved in OCEVU are distributed in six thematic working groups: astroparticle, cosmology, particle physics, academic training, technological transfer, communication and outreach. Each working group manadges the follow-up of the collaborative projects according identified axes. Each WG coordination is manadged by a coordinator and a deputy coordinator.
Astroparticle : Jean-Luc Attéia, coord. (IRAP) ; Georges Vasileiadis, deputy coord. (LUPM)
Cosmology : Olivier Le Fèvre, coord. (LAM) ; Alain Blanchard, deputy coord. (IRAP)
Particle physics : Laurent Lellouch, coord. (CPT), Laurent Vacavant, deputy coord. (CPPM)
Academic training : José Busto, coord. (CPPM), Geneviève Soucail, deputy coord. (IRAP)
Technological transfer : Rémy Potheau, coord. (CPPM), Laurent Ravera, deputy coord. (IRAP)
Communication & outreach : Cyrille Baudouin, coord. (OCEVU)